Additive Thinking Flashcards
Activity ages 7-12 years
This lesson is a rich activity which is from the Additive Thinking Flash Cards set. This is linked to question 27 in the set and can be used as a main task and formative assessment piece.
How to use the cards
Children need to solve the full Additive Triple to see the connections between the DIFFERENCE, ADDITION and SUBTRACTION simple number sentences, word problems, and models on the Linear Abacus®. The cards are divided into 3 related problems labelled (a), (b) and (c). An information card has been provided which provides you with answers, explanations, and ideas for assessment. All triples in the set encourage children to coordinate language, models, and descriptive calculations. The three concepts: DIFFERENCE, ADDITION, and SUBTRACTION, are all taught simultaneously in each triple. The questions in the set increase in difficulty, this is one of the more challenging questions in the set.
Sample Question
There are 3 parts to this question. It starts with a Linear Abacus® model which includes specific numerals. Students need to copy the model on their own abacus string and determine if the model is representing the DIFFERENCE, ADDITION, or SUBTRACTION problem. This means they learn to talk about simple number sentences and concepts. For instance, a child might state:
“if I know both count-numbers then I am solving for the DIFFERENCE”.
“if I know one count-number and the relation (the DIFFERENCE) then I am either solving the ADDITION or SUBTRACTION problem”.
Next, student use a picture prompt to help them write a word problem for the model. Included are characters (one or two actors) and discrete items (countable things). Once children write the story and SNS for the model, they have to generate the other 2 stories and SNS in the triple and explain the connections between all three. You can access these sample cards for FREE!
Key Mathematical Ideas
1. Understanding the meaning of numerals in a number sentence.
2. Connecting models with descriptive calculations, and word problems.
3. Building number facts for addition and subtraction.
Key Mathematical Skills
1. Reasoning and making connections between concrete representations, numerals, and calculations.
2. Applying known facts when calculating and modelling on the abacus string.
3. Developing the skills to interpret and write word problems.
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